You ever noticed how experts spend more time perfecting their craft rather than marketing their craft? Guilty as charged and the problem is that you set yourself up for consumption(safety) rather than production(exposure).

The story that "You just need to finish________(book, course, training...pick your choice) before you're "ready" to bring your value to the world.

At best, this delaying tactic is a defense mechanism to mask the fear of being exposed to knowledge/concept gaps that you're not even aware off. It also comforts you and reduces the "imposter syndrome" fame as an acceptable one.

News flash, you will never ever overcome this, however you will become more comfortable to notice it for what it is. Remember, the brain loves to spare and conserve energy through safety and if anything appears remotely as a threat, we either avoid it, accept it or fight it.

Here's another news flash, growth comes from the fight. The more you expose yourself to these "uncomfortable/vulnerable" situations, the more you have the potential to grow. Besides, perfect is not relatable. Genuine is. 

Perfection therefore isn't the goal. Iteration is, meaning taking the 1st and 2nd and 3rd step.


PS: Funny that I finally get the courage to publish this today, it has been a draft post for over a year.....😁😁

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