Feeling stuck and need some clarity.Can I run this by you?

You've realized there's a bottleneck within the business. You need to run your thoughts by an independent body who will look at the data without bias and give you feedback without the fear of consequences and a clear plan of action. Then this would be the right session to jump on. My area of focus is around customer acquisition and retention.

I'm  NOT seen in any of these:

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Here's what will do:-

1. Review 4 areas of your business.

        a. The customer

        b. The offer

        c. The leverage

        d. The process

2. Confirm what you have tried before to figure out what worked and what didn't

3. Come up with a plan and what to test next.

Answer the 4 quick questions, reserve your session and make sure to provide all business information(website, ideal customer, any social sites etc) prior to our session to save on evaluation time.

Lee Kariuki
