The 3 Step Launch System To Quickly Put Out Quality Converting Offers In 2024 and Beyond!!!

Can You Build An Entire Business in 2024 By Installing A Simple 3 Step Framework?

Click on the big blue play button below to get full access to the Launchpad Framework!!

Applications accepted for a limited time.

Lee Kariuki

The Council 

My name is Lee Kariuki pronounced Karaoke but different spelling. Having worked with business clients from all over the world with building growing and scaling their businesses, these are the top 3 pillars that make the greatest difference.
1.Positioning in the marketplace
2.Mathematics of the offers
3.Communication of the offers.
And I am glad that you are considering joining this mastermind, The Council.
Scroll down below to see if you're a fit, then fill out the 9 application form questions.

The Council Is For You, If...

You have an offer in the marketplace that's not converting as well.
You've made sales from products or services but sales have slowed down and you're wondering what avenues can you pursue to keep the business open. 
You've been running your business profitably for a long time however you're not excited about running the day to day activities as much
You're business is profitable but is taking too much of your personal time away from family.
You have seasonality in revenue where you experience steep fluctuations of income. The "Feast-Famine" syndrome.
You're have a gigantic customer base but their responsiveness has dwindled over the years.
You need to brainstorm ideas and show results to get secondary and tertiary feedback
You want to hear how others are tackling similar challenging business dilemmas....

The Council Is Probably NOT For You, If...

You don't have an offer in the marketplace
You've haven't generated any sales from your products or services
You have a lot of ideas but haven't executed on any
You want to "learn" more than you want to execute.
You have no idea what makes your business unique in the marketplace
You're NOT willing to implement on feedback provided
You don't have the bandwidth to run paid advertising even if it's a small budget

If this is you, I totally get it. We've all been there before and we've all started from somewhere. You're more in the startup/validation phase. What I'd recommend prior to submitting an application, is to watch the above video again, run some tests to your idea to discover problem-solution market fit, generate some sales and then come and join The Council.

I mean this with all the love and empathy and nothing would make the council more happier than welcoming a new member who took action and is ready for the next phase of scaling.

To Success 🔥❤️🥂

If you're a fit, here's what to expect from The Council.

Benefit #1

Whats working NOW! 
Majority of marketing training focus on what worked years ago. We will be focusing on whats working now and predict what is about to happen next.

Benefit #2

The 3 Pillars.
Focus will be on the 3 pillars. Positioning, Math and Communication. Simple and scalable with access to training. 

Benefit #3

Hot Seats Roundtable
The accountability part is key. We connect and answer 3 simple questions.

Benefit #4

Connect with fellow members and learn more about how they are running their business. You may actually find some to be potential clients. 

Benefit #5

Book Of The Week  
I read. A lot. Every week I'm devouring a book that affects one of the 3 Launchpad Pillars.You'll have access to the cliff notes.

Benefit #6

Office Hours 
 We meet twice a week for questions, concerns, funnel evaluation and coaching.

Ready To Join The Council?

Focus on only 3 pillars....PMC
Scale much faster due to simplicity
Predictability due to paid advertising

Applications accepted for a limited time.

Here's The Application Process Timeline


Watch the launchpad video above.


Check the qualifying criteria above

Step #3

Fill out the application

Step #4

Application Reviewed within 24 hrs

Step #5

Meeting scheduled membership fees collected $500/month or save  $1500 and pay annually at $4500/year

Step #6

Get membership access with training and calendar schedule.

Applications accepted for a limited time.

©2024 LeeKariuki LLLP All Rights Reserved.

Step 1: Start Your Application

Let's start with your name and email.

We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.
